Workaround: RChart Mouse Cursor

Problem The mouse cursor of RChart does not adjust when MouseAction is changed although the property MouseCursorFixed is set to FALSE.
Applies To Release 8.5
Solution This bug is due to a missing statement in the file SDL_rchart.pas resulting in missing cursor images. As a workaround you have two options, depending whether you have access to the sources (Professional Edition) or not:

1) If you have the sources: insert the line

          {$R SDL_rchart.res}
immediately after the uses statement of the implementation section of RChart (file SDL_rchart.pas) and recompile the package. Don't forget to set the compiler define "PAIDVERS" (see TechNote #24 for details).

2) Alternatively, if you don't have the sources, you can insert the same line into the source code of your application (again, immediately after the uses statement of the implementation section). The required resource file can be downloaded from the SDL server:


Last Update: 2006-04-14