Search found 4 matches

by jrib0
Sat May 07, 2022 10:04 am
Forum: SDL Discussion Forum
Topic: Tmeter mlcirc360 - feature request
Replies: 0
Views: 42050

Tmeter mlcirc360 - feature request

Dear Hans
A suggestion. Could you allow a new property in the tmeter mlcirc360 type to allow the starting point to be defined by the user. This could then allow it to be used as display a compass heading by putting zero at the top rather than the bottom of the gauge. I hope this makes sense. James
by jrib0
Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:30 pm
Forum: SDL Discussion Forum
Topic: Geomap TOnDrawMapDataEvent
Replies: 0
Views: 42489

Geomap TOnDrawMapDataEvent

Any help would be gratefully received as I just cant work out how to get this event to be called properly. I get a compiler error "Incompatible types :'regular procedure and method pointer'". I have been delving into the manuals and just cant work it out. An example of how to define the call back pr...
by jrib0
Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:38 am
Forum: SDL Discussion Forum
Topic: GeoMap Calib Models
Replies: 2
Views: 35193

Re: GeoMap Calib Models

I have tried the simplegeomap app and it also just complains with the same error... Also there are only 4 calib models in this version of the demo Many thanks James For clarity I have just downloaded the example app and run the executable (as well as compiling it again on D7) that is contained withi...
by jrib0
Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:03 am
Forum: SDL Discussion Forum
Topic: GeoMap Calib Models
Replies: 2
Views: 35193

GeoMap Calib Models

Hi I have been using the TGeomap component for some time and I am quite happy with the cmBiquadraticPn model. However I just cannot make any of the other models work. For example even when I use the simplegeomap example app if I try the cmParabolicIp model, after adding one calib point I get a messa...